2019年3月7日,“第22届Andrew Martin(安德马丁)国际室内设计大奖大中华区颁奖典礼暨木里木外启新之夜”将于上海隆重举行。设计师曾宪明先生荣膺Andrew Martin International Awards年度全球TOP100设计师,设计作品亦收录于《Andrew Martin国际室内设计大奖年鉴》。
On March 7, 2019, "The 22nd Andrew Martin International Interior Design Awards Grand China Awards Ceremony and New Night Outside Mulimu" will be grandly held in Shanghai. Mr. Zeng Xianming, the designer, was awarded the designer of Andrew Martin International Awards TOP100. His design works are also included in the Annual Annual of Andrew Martin International Interior Design Award.
室内设计类的奖项层出不穷,其中公认最权威的国际大奖无疑当属“Andrew Martin International Awards”(安德马丁国际室内设计大奖)。奖项被英国《星期日泰晤士报》、BBC 、美国《时代》等媒体赞誉为国际室内设计界的“奥斯卡”。每年出版的《Andrew Martin 国际室内设计年鉴》也被誉为“室内设计界的圣经”。
There are many awards in interior design category, among which the most authoritative international award is undoubtedly Andrew Martin International Awards (Anderson Martin International Interior Design Awards). The award has been praised by the British Sunday Times, the BBC and Time as the "Oscar" of the international interior design community. Annual publication of Andrew Martin International Interior Design Yearbook is also known as the "Bible of Interior Design".
颁奖现场汇集设计行业精英,Andrew Martin国际室内设计大奖创始人Martin Waller先生、国内外多位设计大咖均出席了本次颁奖典礼,共同庆祝第22届Andrew Martin国际室内设计大奖颁奖典礼的举行。
The award ceremony was attended by Martin Waller, founder of Andrew Martin International Interior Design Award, and several design cafes at home and abroad. They jointly celebrated the 22nd Andrew Martin International Interior Design Award.