上上2015年2月8日晚八點,主題為“日新月盛、共繪精彩”上上國際2015跨年晚會在歡快的音樂聲中拉開帷幕,董事長曾憲明先生,上臺致新年賀詞!曾總回顧了上上國際2014年的工作歷程,肯定了2014年所取得的驕人業績,展望了公司2015年發展方向。上上國際一步一個腳印,一年一個新高度。上上國際的發展,離不開設計團隊的辛勤工作;上上國際的今天,離不開一線員工的共同努力! 一份付出,必有一份回報!藝術總監sissi女士,對 2014 年度表現突出的優秀員工進行表彰和頒獎!
In late February 8, 2015 eight, the theme of "the daily and monthly increasing,and draw up a wonderful" Sunshine International 2015 New Year party began in the cheerful music, Mr. Ceng Xianming came to power, caused by the new year greeting! Once the total review of work process of sunshine international 2014,affirmed in 2014 achieved remarkable performance, prospects the development direction of the company in 2015. Sunshine international work steadily, a year to a new height. Sunshine international development, cannot do without the design team for their hard work; Sunshine International today, cannot do without the joint efforts offront-line staff! A pay, there will be a return!The art director Ms. Sissi, excellent staff for the year 2014 outstanding commendation and awards!
During the party, sunshine international friends to give full play to the idea of a powerful and unconstrained style, show their talent show. In the most exciting part of the draw, the company is ready to sound, massage, iPad, LCD TV, applecomputer a prize to the small partner smoking home. Last night the biggest awardapple notebook computer is lucky designer Jason championship.
Looking back on 2014, we deeply heroic; outlook 2015, we are full of confidence;2015, sunshine international together, stand together through storm and stress,and innovation performance.