【設計理念】 設計是人的一種創造行爲,設計理念是設計師在空間作品構思過程中所確立的主導思想,它賦予作品文化內涵和風格特點。上上追求的境界正如古人司空圖所描述的 “長于思與境偕,乃詩家之所尚者”。思與境偕是一種境界,是審美創造中主體和客體、理性與感性、思想與形象融合達到了完美。“境”與“思”偕往,産生共鳴、相互融彙形成了作品特有的意境世界。
[Design Concept] design is a human creation ability, the design concept is the dominant ideological work in space processed by designer, it shows the work culture and style features. As the pursuit of the realm described by the ancients Sze kung "wondering in thoughts and imaginations makes a great poetry." Thoughts and imaginations is a state whereby creates aesthetic subject and object, Sense and Sensibility, ideas and images to achieve the perfect fusion in design. "Imagination" and "Thoughts" resonate with each other to form a blend of unique conception in this imaginative world.
【服務理念】 上上是室內設計的專家,是創意者也是傾聽者,擁有高效的服務反饋機制,能及時傾聽客戶的心聲,達成客戶的期望;是執行者也是監督者,可全程跟蹤監理項目施工工程進度,解決設計方案與工程施工出現的各種問題,保證工程實景效果。在項目合作中,上上關注細節、反應迅速、追求卓越、服務至上。
[Service concept] SSD is interior design expert, who is a creator and also a good listener, with efficient service and feedback mechanism, we can listen to our customers in a timely manner, to achieve customer expectations; we executes and also supervise all projects construction progress to be on track, provide solutions and solve problems on construction matters, to ensure project went smooth. Upon cooperation of project, we focus on detailing, response rapidly, in order to pursuit excellency and service-oriented.
【經營理念】 好作品是上上品牌的儲蓄卡,誠信是我們的原則,成就項目是上上最大的財富。上上力求每一項設計作品都能達到創作主體的情志與創作客體境象完美融合,創造出具有意境美的室內體驗空間。
[Philosophy] Great works is just like the SS brand's bank savings card, honesty is our principle, project achievements is our greatest wealth. On every design work, we strive to achieve a prefect fusion for the interior and the environment, creating an interior space with a pleasant experience.
【管理理念】 上上是匯聚創新人才的設計公司,在組織結構上精簡高效,在設計創作上給予極大空間發揮自由度,讓設計團隊有決定設計方向的自主權,充分發揮主觀能動性,做到自我表達、自由設計、自主創新。
[Management Concept] SSD is a company with many innovative and talented people, that equips with high efficient organizational structure, designers were given space and freedom to enhance their creativity, by allowing the design team have a autonomy on the direction of design concept, and also given chance for self-expression to person with great initiatives, free will of design and innovations.